Hello and a very Happy New year! 2008 will be a very exciting year at the Cox house.
We are particularly thrilled that we will be returning to California this year, Albuquerque New Mexico, and the John C. Campbell School in North Carolina. :) Here is a quick list of where we will be this year. http://www.maryzcox.com/calendar.html
Please check it from time to time if you live in California, New Mexico, Florida or North Carolina for more details as they are added. There will be a banjo workshop at the Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena and I'll put it up as soon as we get the final details. Details for New Mexico for a concert and workshops will be up soon too.
We had a marvelous time last year with all the wonderful banjoists who came. If you are a returning student from last year or the year before--please email me and let me know that you are coming--I will make sure that we cover some new tunes to practice technique. :) If you are thinking of coming this year--please sign up soon--this is a wonderful place--relaxing and fun and the food is great!
Bob and I have been mixing and editing our new CD and it is with local bassist, Jim Crozier, right now for a few bass parts. (He sounds wonderful with banjo!) As soon as it returns, it will be off for mastering! We are hoping to have it in time for the Cracker Coffee House in February or Willfest in April. :)
FAMILY NEWS: Arcy (Robert Sidney Cox III) our oldest son, is graduating from Cal Tech with his Doctorate. (He's a biogenetic engineer)The ceremony is June 13, 2008 and we plan to be there shouting and whooping our congratulations!
Natalie continues with her busy life of full time student,(art at FSU) part time stylist, and she is on the FSU dance force. She'll be on the FSU Florence program in May and part of June and has been taking Italian this year too. I've even heard her sing in Italian. :)
Gordon remains busy in New York City. He will be flying to North Carolina in August to join Bob and I for a guitar camp in the mountains. :)
Bob turned 60 this year and his Mom had her 90th birthday too! He loves his research position at OPPAGA, and he continues to come up with new and exciting foods and beverages in the kitchen. He bought a 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 this year, so after several years of not owning a bike, we are back to cruising the back roads of North Florida and South Georgia again. :)
My good news! I am retiring from my school job on June 3rd. I have plans for instructional DVDs in banjo and mountain dulcimer and will finally have the time to start and finish them! :) We also have the next two CDs on the planning board as well as some tab books. This is going to be a fun year. :)
Hope everyone is healthy and happy at your home and hope we get to see you this year!
Best wishes and love, Mary Z. & Bob Cox Jezebel too! www.maryzcox.com web page www.secretbanjo.blogspot.com a secret life of banjo blog :)